Custom Cabinets for a Complete Package
What parlor is complete without sleek cabinets to provide a polished, finished look? We’ve taken our knowledge and experience in tough design and strong construction and applied it to creating cabinets that work in any barn. As with all of our milk parlor equipment, our cabinets come with a five-year warranty and assurance that you are installing the toughest, longest-lasting product.
We offer a standard cabinet or can design and build a customized solution for your parlor. With Turner Cabinets, you can customize your cabinets to hold any kind of equipment. Our creative solutions ensure a functional parlor while giving you a clean look.
Whether you are looking for CIP or upper cabinets, Turner can draft a cabinet to cover pulsation, fresh air, detachers, automation, and counterweight hose supports. Our team is skilled at fabricating exactly what your parlor requires to save time and labor.